Welcome to the website of award-winning author Andrew JH Sharp

Fortunate stands in front of Beth and solemnly parts the clod with his hands to hold the earth like an offering. He looks her in the eye, unaffectedly sympathetic, and says, “Dr Jenkins, take this land, broken for you by your husband. It’s yours.”


“Yes. I am right now a freedom fighter. This is the third Chimurenga.” Boniface’s eyes bulge and his voice becomes accusatory. “What you, Beth, have to understand is this: the land is our spiritual nexus.”


She runs her finger carefully and slowly under the words as if she’s translating a sacred text: The day comes when they have to declare the great Yes or the great No … that no … drags him down all his life.

Many seasons ago our people walked here from the North," said Stanley's father. "We have to walk again. That is why I'm sending you to school. This is your walk."


"I'm going to tell you something you'd better believe," said Zachye to Stanley. "One day I'm going to kill a man."


The harsh breaths of the steam engine sounded like a gigantic saw - severing Michael from home.

In the thin soup of the fading night, I almost collided on my bicycle with a grey and absent-minded elephant.


Before long, famous food pundits would write Head Chef Mlantushi has excelled himself again with this sumptuous dish of black sesame bavarois dacquoise with fennel and Alpine strawberries. Yes, top professional realisation was my sure destination.


The cow that likes two herds is eaten by the lion between them.
